Thursday 3 May 2012

“Think dog”, dog training online

A dog training course is now available online, thanks to video lessons based on the a new method called « Think Dog », a modern way of training your pets !

Mr. Angelo Vaira, a dog trainer from Milan, has invented this method and shown it to readers, presenting it as a new form of training your dog. He shows 15 video lessons illustrating many different ways of training your dog, even if you live in a city.

The idea of video-lessons was very successful among pet fans. Thanks to many interesting pieces of advice and tips, Mr. Vaira managed to better the relationship between dogs and their owners ; moreover, he bettered the dogs level of attention, as some of them weren’t attentive enough to their owner’s orders or were too nervous. Some dogs also « understood » not to use their olfactory sense too much, not to grow too tired.

This unusual project was very successful thanks to very short video-lessons across the Web; they  were transmitted in a very practical and effective way.
The dog trainer and his co-workers did a good job ; thanks to them, the « Think Dog » idea was transformed into a way of helping dog owners having a difficult relationship with their pet in a significant way. The pieces of advice were very helpful to better the everyday life of dogs and their owners!